2 Mar 25
A great day at the Last Frontier. Good to see The Kid return and show us all how he is progressiing. Johnny Sylva stole the day whilst Myles Long was apparently miles away..
A warm and sultry start to 2025 at the one of the best freehold cowboy shooting ranges in the country. After shaking off the New Years extra pounds the cowboys and cowgirls fronted up for a cracker shoot. A new arrival for the year the young Bukaroo “The Kid” showed everyone that he could be…
The QLD weather held out for a great day at the Sheriff and Minnie’s Last Frontier Range. Twenty Four Cowboys and Cowgirls turned up to make the day great. Johnny Silva took the crown for the day with some excellent displays of gunfighter and duellist from Buster Giggs and Major Star respectively. Captain Whiplash and…
A great day had at the Sheriff and Minnie’s. The weather was absolutely supurb with light winds and temps in the high 20s. The shooting was hot though with Johnny Silva taking out line honours and 1st in Cowboy. Myles Long took out the 49Rs, Major Star took out the Duelist class. Skip took out…
Another great day at The Last Frontier. The Sheriff was off having a holiday so Johnny Silva and Myles Long where deputised to run the shoot. Someone may have shot the Sheriff but they did not shoot the Deputies. Some close calls for the shooters but definetly some clean hands.