perfect day, cool and cloudy, shooting and scores was all over by 12.30pm and a
jovial chit chat ended the morning beautifully. Thank you to all of you that
made the effort. Congratulations to Johnny Silva, Bad Al Junior and Cowboy Troy
in that order, they were the ones to beat on the day. It was very pleasing to
see Ugly Al on the range again. Once again Lilly Laroette had the best Gusto for
the day.match finaltt Main Match 10272019.pdf Sunday
perfect day cloudy and cool, congratulations to Johnson who shot the match
clean. Five Stages were contested overall winner was Johnny Sylva, runners up
were Sheriff of Tinstone followed by Lakota. Thank you all for making the day
the success that it was. The best gusto trophy (Gold Nugget) was awarded to new
shooter Lilly Laroette. Pictured Sheriff of Tinstone presenting the Most
Improved Shooter for 2019 to Cowboy Troy. Interested in the scores click
here : match finaltt 10062019.pdf Sunday
What can I say but "You needed to be here to have experienced the
fun." Overall winner today was Philin. Pictured is Last Frontier member,
Buster Giggs just back from the Australian Titles with a Gold Medal in his
category. Congratulations to Buster as he trained very hard prior to this years
Titles. This was his first Gold Medal since his win at the 2007 Nationals. Don't
forget the One Armed Bill Wilson Memorial Shoot on the 25th. November,2018,
numbers required for catering purposes please, Six Stages nominations $25.00
includes lunch. Phone 0408986253 Sheriff. You will find today's scores here : match finaltt Main Match 10282018.pdf Sunday
excellent day, fast stages, all finished by 12 noon. New shooter Princess
Running Water made her debut and shot for the first time, recon' this lady will
need to be watched as she proceeds up the ranks. Overall winner was Johnny
Sylva, he clipped me by 1 second.
After the scores were announced for
those that wanted to, Johnny Sylva introduced us to Field Shotgun shooting with
several clays being broken. Thankyou Johnny.
Expressions of Interest required for persons wanting to make clay target
shooting a regular basis on a day to be decided. Today's Scores : match finaltt Main Match 10072018.pdf
Johnson and his donkey in the early days of the building of the Last Frontier.
Today was a great day, perfect cool sunny weather after 275mms rain for the week made and
set the stage for a pleasant day of shooting, its a shame you missed it. Only
two more shoots left for 2017 starting again on the fourth Sunday in
January,2018. It has been suggested that maybe Cowboy Action be only shot once a
month - I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter ? Centrefire Pistol
Silhouette Birthday shoot went of well, the 200 metre Ram proved it being a very
elusive target. Interested in the Scores for today : match finaltt Main Match 10222017.pdf Sunday
day of shooting Cowboy Action from the past kept us on our toes, congratulations
to Mortimer who made a remarkable recovery from last weeks performances. Clean
shooters today were Mortimer and the Sheriff of Tinstone. Mungo was like grease
lightning, checkout his scores. Congratulations to all shooters who braved the
fantastic weather we had today and came along to play. Once again Chisholm was
able to knock up a good score on the 200 meter centrefire pistol silhouette
range, you may like to look here :match finaltt Main Match 10012017.pdf Sunday
It sure was cold today, the coldest October day on record I believe.
Most shooters stayed home out of the chill but the shoot still went on
regardless. Mungo won the day, I guess we all had a few
hicups today with some stages being slightly allusive. Minnie Ha Ha shot very
well. Johnson's split case caused him quite a bit of grief We welcomed new
shooter Trakka and his wife Vicki. The new targets setup constructed by Chisholm
and his offsider Joan didn't cause any problems and was great to shoot. Thankyou
Chisholm and Co. The scores are here : Match Final Main Match 10232016.pdf
2nd.October,2016. The Last Frontier was covered with smoke today from a
wild fire that
came in the back behind the mountain yesterday, and only for the fast action by
the National Parks fire fighters our Georges Hut was saved, thankyou. Today it
burned our side of the mountain and across into the neighboring forestry area.
Several hundred acres were on fire until they were able to contain it. Mortimer
was our overall winner today, a great effort I must say for someone still trying
to recover from last weeks sickness. Johnson is home again but choose not to
shoot today until he has completely recovered. No one cleaned the match today,
you will find the scores here. Pictured is Bad Al Junior who won the most
improved shooter award for 2016,congratulations to you. Match Final Main Match 10022016.pdf Sunday
helped Mungo celebrate his birthday today, and of course our winner for today
was Mungo. Renegade Tye and his girls presented him with a birthday cake
complete with sparklers, should have had a camera. Congratulations to Big Bang
(pictured) on her success at Chisholm Trail 2015.
Today's stages were very enjoyable and written with intension. You will find the
scores right here : Match Final Main Match 10252015.pdf
Sunday 4th
the late Doc Holliday and Lady Nell, shootout at the Shady Ladies, Last Frontier
: A great shoot today for those that were unable to make it to Chisholm Trail
this year, Congratulations goes to all those that could. Rankings today were
rather quite high but check the scores here : Match Final Main Match 10042015.pdf
special thankyou to Jack Beauregard and his team for setting up and running
today's shoot of five interesting stages. Next week will be called "Reliving
Chisolm" come along and see how we enjoy ourselves here at the Last
Frontier, you will require 50 pistol,50 rifle and 25 shotgun bullets. Today's
score just click here : Match Final Main Match 10262014.pdf Sunday
What a busy day...there were fences to fix but off course there was no time
to do that as the varmints had to be taken care off first of all, not to mention
taking care of the sheriff while his back was turned, oh I almost forgot
"We struck it lucky at the mine." and then the raiders came down upon
the train demanding " Where's the Gold". Well that was it until next
Sunday 3rd.November,2013, be here or be square and you too can join in and have
some fun. The scores are right here : Match Final Main Match 27102013.pdf
October 6th.2013.
to all of you that attended the National Titles, at the time of writing this
page the
scores had not been released however you were all winners just for being there
and playing the game. Our Last Frontier shoot today was very relaxed and of
course the weather was more then kind. I would also like to welcome our newest
member and Cowboy 13 winner, Mungo. (click on pics to view full size) I might
also like to add that the Range will be closed from the 18th.October until the
25th.October,2013. Todays scores are here Match Final Main Match 10062013.pdf
Sunday 28th.October,2012.
was a pleasant cool change to the weather today with a stiff southerly breeze
just right to take the smoke away from the line as Mortimer squeezed off his
black powder cartridges. Swampfox was here getting in some practise for next
weeks NSW championships. Doing mighty fine I might say, Good luck Swampie. In
all the day was once again fantastic...." oh you should have been here
!" You will fine the scores under the pdf file. 28102012.pdf
Sunday 7th.October,2012.
Congratulations goes to Bad Al Zima for securing third place in the Cattle Baron
category at the Nationals last week. Liked your belt buckle Bad Al. Today we had
a great time once again here at the Last Frontier with Mortimer winning Legend
status once again. The Lucky Door
prize went to Teacher and Lakota,congratulations. Its very pleasing to hear that
Johnson is making a speedy recovery from his major surgery in Brisbane Hospital,
however it will be a little time before he will be shooting again. Scores today
are here 07102012.pdf
Sunday, 23rd.October,2011.
is Johnson, he shot the match clean. What a fantastic fun filled day we had , so
why don't you come along on Sunday 6th.November and see what its all about ?
Here's the days scores 23102011.pdf Sunday,October 2nd,2011.
were quite windy today, however its was a beautiful sunny day here at the Last
Frontier, we were blessed to have such a clear day. All the competitors
marvelled at their going "on holidays" on the Frontier Express, some
off course had a bit of stuff to sort out before they left.... You will find the
scores in this file 02102011.pdf
Today's five stages were of mixed origin mainly based on history of the
Native Americans in the late 1800's. The stages covered from a little bit of
horse back shooting to that of riding in the mortuary wagon. Yes it was great
fun. The scores are here just click on the file.03102010.pdf October
25th 2009.
very successful day was had by all that attended, the shooting was fast and
uncomplicated and there were smiles all round. It was pleasing to see the new
shooters that came to practise their rifle skills in readiness for when they
front up to the line for the first time... well done. The Gallery Inspectors
from Weapons Licencing have been since the last shoot and done the audit of the
Range. I pass onto all of you that use this facility, their congratulations for
keeping the Last Frontier Shooting Range as it should be with no damage to the
trees and the firing line in a pristine condition free from all shells ect.
Today's scores are here for you to view251009.pdf October
4th 2009.
now all those that competed in the National Titles this past week will now be
talking about all the things they should have done...why they missed that target
and so on. Well there's always next year to remedy the situation and I hope I
will have the opportunity to attend.
Today at The Last Frontier it was very pleasing to see new shooters having a go
for the first time and I recond that we have some new champions in the making,
good work to all of you. You may view the scores here 04102009.pdf October
26th 2008.
Today's shoot, the
competitors and the five stages...whoa all I can say is that you couldn't get
any better if you travelled the world in search off.Today was my first time back
shooting since my tumor operation in June. It sure felt good, however just half
a day was enough to wear that gunbelt for the first time over the healed incision.
I guess that, I must be very grateful for. Our next shoot here at The Last
Frontier is next weekend 2nd November,2008. Click on the pdf files 261008.pdf
to view todays scores. October
5th 2008.
was quite a warm day with a slight breeze blowing from the north. Our attendance
was down due to the fact that so many shooters were away at the National Titles
keeping the Spirit of the Game alive Nationally. I have already heard some
whispers that some of them will be bringing home some Medals. Five stages were
shot today at The Last Frontier with Stage One a walk down shotgun shoot, now
that certainly got some adrenalin pumping and Stage Four that was one that
hadn't been shot for a long time.It was great to meet with five new members
today. Click on the pdf file to view the results.05102008.pdf 27th/28th,October,2007....."Cowboy
Best described as a
"Fantastic Weekend" from start to finish, to those dedicated shooters
that attended we the (Sheriff of Tinstone and Minnie Ha Ha) would like to thank
you all for helping make the weekend the success it was. We trust that you feel
as warm in your hearts as we do. Checkout the shindig pictures at the bottom.
However, due to
the lack of support by many shooters that seemed to have forgot the reason why
Last Frontier came into being...ie. there was no where to be able to shoot all
three firearms including long range rifle and also the meaning of what Cowboy Action Shooting was
first designed ie. the respect/responsibility and true family values of a
great fun sport we will not be conducting anymore two day events, this bringing
to a close the end of ten years of my/our setting up and running such events.
May I suggest for those persons to take a very deep look at themselves by looking
into their own selfishness. Some of you I know had genuine reasons for not being
able to attend and for these reasons I fully understand your non attendance.
The Last Frontier
was not set up for our personal gain but to give all shooters somewhere to shoot
on a fully dedicated to Cowboy Action Shooting Range and without your total
support we are not prepared to... as one would say "bash our head against a
stone wall". and by me
saying this if it offends then I
suggest you take another look
inside of yourself.
"Cowboy 07" Results:
Overall Winner was Winchester and Top lady was Lady Nell.
Side Events : Long Range Rifle....Rifle Calibre First place Siringo, Long
Range Rifle Pistol Calibre First place Siringo, Long Range Rifle Single Shot
First place Bad Al Zimer.
Cowboy Clays : First Mens Buster Giggs...First Lady I.D.Claire.
Cowboy Silhouette : First Mens Johnson...First Lady Lady Nell.
High Noon Shootout : First Mens Winchester First Lady Mrs.H.
Click on the pdf file to view the overall scoresCowboy 07.pdf

Today's Cowboy Action
started with a gunfight behind the fort and six stages later ended up in front
of the Frontier Express. How the train got derailed has got many talking, of
course it got blown off the tracks in the cyclone of a month ago. Remember
its not to late to nominate for "Cowboy 07"
The dates to remember are 27th-28th October,2007. Click
on the pdf file for todays scores.071007.pdf Sunday
With having light steady rain falling at The Last Frontier during the night the
morning was overcast with temperatures much more pleasant then what they were
the previous day. 8am saw Douglas Mortimer the first of the cowboys coming
up the driveway ready for another day of action packed shooting.
Five stages were the order of the day with Stage #1 another one of those get
your adrenalin goin' stages. Yes you should have been here to enjoy...
Some say that the match took too long between stages, well I have the answer to
fix that problem, its easy fixed...All that is needed is for everyone to pitch
in and do some of the WORK like being a
Range Officer...brass pick-up, stand targets, be spotters and take some of the
work load off those few people that are expected to do everything. Lets not be
selfish...Don't you think those few dedicated persons would like to enjoy their
shooting too....Opps I almost forgot to do the scores how forgetful of me. Click on the pdf
file Match Final 2210.pdf to view the scores. Next
Shoot on November 5th.2006.
Saturday 22nd.and Sunday 23rd.
October,2005. Welcome to "The Bar Room Brawl
2005" .
The Wombats of the West were back in town and were in need of some help to fight
off ornery varmits, shameless malcontents and trouble makers alike. 34
contenders joined with the Wombats in their quest for honour, justice, free
drinks and a quick way out of town. And Boy did they have some fun.
Five Stages in all Stage 1"The Bath House" Stage 2 "The
Game" Stage 3 "The Saloon" Stage 4 "The
Breakout" Stage 5 "The Getaway".
Scroll down to see the overall Winners of the Day.
1.Black Bart
2.The Sheriff
3.Buster Giggs
4.Dug Deeper
5.Will Penny
6.Douglas Mortimer
7.Tom Dooley
8.Will E Doo
9.Rick O'Shea
10.Hoss Bess
12.Swamp Fox
14.Cpt Aug McCrae
15.Jack O 'Hearts
17.Madam Trixie
19.Grizzly James
20.Nebraska Dude
21.Bad Al Zima
22.Blue Star
23.Sundance Kid
24.Rea Coyle
25.Bad Ass Wallace
26.Cpt J.C.Jackson
27.Minnie Ha Ha
28.Wyatt Earp
29.Jack the Blade Slade
30.Pistol Pete
33.Cute Ass Wallace
34.Lester Moore.
Pictures below were taken on the day, click on them to view full size.
Thankyou Will E Doo.   
Below Pictures Bar Room Brawl 2004.