Home Last Frontier Shooting Range Gunalda
Man in the Big Grey Hat
The Last Frontier in the Making
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It was certainly pleasing to see the
excellent numbers turn up for our first shoot of the year each one of you were
The top shooters were : Johnny Sylva, Lakota, Bad Al Junior,
Vaquero Diego, Grizzly James, Bear, Rosco, Farron West, Running Water, Hound
Dog, Buster Giggs, Myles Long, Six Gun Chambers, Teacher, Old Dude, Daisy
Major, Johnson, Blaze, Doc Driver.
Checkout the scores here : match finaltt 01242021.pdf
New Year to you all. Holidays are over, are you ready for another action packed
year of Cowboy Action and Silhouette Shooting ? News
to Hand : Starting after
the next shoot weather pending we will be shooting a round of 25 clay targets,
cost to shoot a 25 target round, $10.00 ie. assuming that you have already paid
your range fee. We had an excellent attendance today with two new
shooters in attendance and visitors from Brisbane to Gladstone. Winner of the
Speed Stage was Bat Masterson with the overall 5 stage Winner going to Mungo.
Pictured is Bat Masterson runner up. However Congratulations must go out to all
of you that took the time to attend, thank you. match finaltt Main Match 01272019.pdf
and Happy New Year. A pleasant change in temperatures made for an excellent
start of Cowboy Action for 2018. We wish our overall winner and clean shooter
for today, Mungo a safe and successful journey to New Zealand in the coming
week. We know he will do his best in shooting for Australia. Dastardly Dunk
fully enjoyed his first Cowboy Action shoot and went home smiling. New member
Rosco and visitor Frank did the same. Our next shoot at The Last Frontier will
be this coming Sunday 4th.February,2018,may see you there ? Pictured Overall
winner Mungo with Runner up Philin with the timer.Looking for the scores : match finaltt Main Match 28012018.pdf
New Year and Welcome to 2017,our first shoot and a perfect day for dressing up,
the day was cool and cloudy after last
nights 7.5 mms of gentle rain. The Scenarios were pleasant to shoot with the
Sheriff cleaning the match. The small dedicated following had a fantastic day.
Center fire Pistol Silhouette Match : Chisholm shot his personal best with a
score of 31 out of 40 shots, the 200 meter ram proving to be the most allusive
target of all. Congratulations Chisholm. Our next shoot is on the 5th.February,2017. Oh the scores are here : Match Final Main Match 01222017.pdf
Welcome to our first shoot for 2016, it was a hot one but still everyone
had a very enjoyable time shooting a shoot with different challenges. Our
overall winner today, congratulations goes to Chance.Congratulations also goes
to Chisholm with his top scores in the Metallic Sillhouette competition. A
special thankyou also must go to Chisholm for the manufacture and delivery of
the Chisholm Star, the set of six self setting bank of targets and the self
setting shotgun target. All of which endured a workout today. Interested in the
scores ? click here Match Final Main Match 01242016.pdf
to our first shoot for 2015 and a Happy New year to all Congratulations
goes to Chisholm, First place in Pistol Metallic Sillhouette out to 200 metres,
why don't you too come and have ago at this ?
for your input : I thought maybe whilst this hot weather is around maybe
we should start shooting at 8 am instead of 9 am. Please email me with your
thoughts at sheriff@lastfrontier.com.au
Adios, Sheriff of Tinstone.
Weather conditions today was in reverse to that of the extreme
temperatures that we endured the previous shoot. Intermittent showers were also
part of the theme. Once again there were stories to tell after it was all
over....some just shook there heads in disbelief and said with a smile,
"Well there is always next time". I
guess the highlight of the day was getting the gold off the Frontier Express
freight train.... We play again on the 5th.February,2012, off course bang on
9am. For those requiring paperwork on to be done on shoot days please be here at
no later then 8am otherwise it cannot be done until after lunch. You may check
the scores here 22012012.pdf
Happy New Year to you all.
Yes today was the starter for 2012,a warm one I must say however the five stages
set for plenty of excitement and smiles. Maybe you would like to visit us on the
22nd January and join in the fun....starts bang on 9am.
If you have a look here you will see the results for today...08012012.pdf
23rd January,2011.
It was the first shoot for 2011. Five stages all being imported
from U.S.A. yes you don't need to travel any further then The Last Frontier if
you want to see how it is really done Internationally not to mention the
fabulous stage set by Al Swearegen, its a shame you weren't here to experience
If you check out the scores you may know someone that was here to ask what it
was all about, I am sure they are still smiling. Todays scores are here 23012011.pdf
Upcoming major Events at The last Frontier
:The Doc Holiday Memorial shoot will be held this year on the 3rd.and
4th.September,2011,hosted by Noosa Shooters Supplies.
Saturday 3rd.September,2011 will see
"The Last Frontier Cowboy Clays Open" being shot over three
courses of fire, a 75 target event, as well as side events.
Sunday 4th.September,2011 will see
six stages of Cowboy Action being shot.
24th January,2010.
 Everyone that attended today's opening match agreed that the five
stages were fantastic. The weather was a little warm but that didn't stop the
fun and enjoyment of just being a cowboy.The Last Frontier has had quite a extensive
makeover in the past month with most
of the facades being rebuilt and or repainted. A special thanks to the helpers
and donators, Lakota fastest Indian with a brush, Al Swearegen and M.J.for their
kind contributions, Lester Moore and Minnie Ha Ha and Timothy in the restoration
work. Should you wish to view the scores click on this pdf file.24012010.pdf
25th January,2009.
Today was quite a warm but very fine day. The shoot went without
a hitch a few went home scratching there heads at where a couple of their shots
went. But they know they missed the mark but WHY ????. SMILE.... Even
Alabama Slama's 45.70 works again now that one of shooters found the cause of
why it was jamming on the first round... the problem was soon fixed once the
jammed round was freed...Ugly Al had his fair share of problems until Gringo
wised him up...Thankyou Gringo.
Due to technical problems I only have the top nine place getters for today.
Winner of the Pat Garrett was Bad Al Zima. Runner up was Alabama Slama.
Over all winner of the five stages was Bad Al Zima followed by Ugly Al, Larramie
Lloyd, No Pony, Johnson, Alabama Slama, Gringo, Lester Moore, and One Armed Bill
Wilson who went home sick.Get Well soon Bill.
See you all next month on the 1st February,2009.
4th January,2009.
What an excellent day for
our first shoot in 2009. The weather was cool and it only reached 28 degrees,
the cloud was plentiful and the breezes were just what was needed to make for a
wonderful day of Cowboy Action Shooting.
To all of you that attended congratulations and thankyou for your support from
both Minnie Ha Ha and myself the Sheriff of Tinstone. Five stages were shot
including three stages of Pat Garrett. The winners of the Pat Garrett were : Cpt
J C Jackson and Bad Al Zima in second place.
Click here to see the overall results 04012009.pdf
Sunday 27th January,2008.
The Last Frontier was provided with a day of excellent warm weather. A
great bunch of cowboys and cowgirls turned up to test themselves against the
challenging scenarios, and at the end of the day everyone was a winner and went
home in high spirits ready to do it all again next weekend. A special thanks to
Little Joe and Cpt.J.C.Jackson for manually configuring the days scores for
until we get a new scoring computer thats the way it will be. R.I.P. old
computer. Next Shoot February 3rd.
Sunday 6th
Another very happy and
fun day at The Last Frontier, the weather was a touch on the warm side but the
five stages set up by Minnie Ha Ha were all over by noon. Great shoot Minnie Ha
Ha. A couple of the well known shooters had their share of the jitters but good
sportsmanship was a
Sunday January 28th 2007.
It was great to see another good attendance, the weather was warm but that's
what we can expect for a mid summer shoot, however, that always present Last
Frontier cooling breeze eased the situation some what. My Father once told me
" Son remember whatever you do. Do it your best". Some people think I
am disciplined, it is not discipline - it is devotion. There is a great
difference and I guess that is why we have such an excellent shooting venue
called "The Last Frontier." Today's shoot was an example of how great
the stages will be at next weeks "Cowgirl 07". It will be fantastic to see
more devoted shooters take part.
3rd February:Saturday
morning Long Range Rifle and Cowboy/Cowgirl Silhouette, Cowboy/Cowgirl Clays and
Australia' s first Frontier Swap Meet.
Saturday afternoon stages 1 to 5 of the main match.
Saturday Night Talent Quest.
4th February: Sunday
morning stages 6 to 10.Click on the link to
nominate. "The Cowgirl
07" Its not too late to Nominate.
Lets get rid of the stupid rumor that's getting spread.
"The Cowgirl 07" is not a dress up as a Cowgirl Shoot. Get together with the Real
Cowboys/Cowgirls and
come and have a great weekend of Cowboy Action at The Last Frontier.
Click here to view the scores for today..280107.pdf
January 7th 2007.
The first shoot for the new year was written by Ugly Al. Yes a mighty fine
effort I must say, there was plenty of humour and stacks of action. Everyone
that I saw went home with smiles on their faces, guess that must tell me
Just before lunch we were treated to a whip cracking display by two of our
visitors down from Kingaroy. see pic Brent and Tayla Barbeler. Thankyou
Brent and Tayla. Don't forget to nominate for "Cowgirl
07" its on early February. Long Range Rifle and side
events Saturday morning then Five Stages Saturday afternoon five stages Sunday. Scores
for January 7th 2007 click here.070107.pdf
22nd 06, The Shoot was presented by Rick O'Shea and Rea Coyle,
congratulations to you both on a wonderful effort...Five great Stages with
plenty of action and to top the day off a tasty lunch prepared by Minnie Ha Ha
and ....YES...a midday Shindig with top Country and Western Singing sensations
Noel and Pam Simonsen. Our special International guest today was Sam O'Neil from
Nebraska U.S.A. (pictured above L/R Rick O'Shea, Minnie Ha Ha, The Sheriff and
Sam O'Neil)
Rick and Rea Coyle presented several special trophies. Here
they are pictured on the left making the awards with Miss Kitty in the
The top Twenty-three shooters on the day were :
1.The Sheriff
2.Douglas Mortimer
3.Will Penny
4.Hoss Bess
5.Rick O'Shea
6.Cpt Aug McCrae
8.Grizzly James
9.Bad Al Zimer
10.Sundance Kid
12.Old Dude
13.Cpt J.C.Jackson
14.Jack the Blade Slade
15.Rea Coyle
16.Nebraska Dude
17.Blue Star
18.Minnie Ha Ha
19.Slim Pickins
21.Bull Shot
22.One Armed Bill Wilson
23.Pistol Dawn.
January 2006.New Years day was a terrific day to
start the year with 5 challenging stages of Cowboy Action at The Last Frontier.
A very warm welcome to visitors Alan and Russell from Toogum and Gympie and Sam
from Nebraska U.S.A.
Stage# 1 "Life Sure Can Be Cruel" It all started when one evening when
you were only 12 years old, you and your folks had just sat down to supper when
it all happened. The dog started to bark, that familiar warning, trouble was
comin'. Your father opened the door to see a band of yahoo's lookin to do no
good. As he closed the door a shot rang out and he fell to the floor. He yells
"Get the guns", so your mother grabs all the guns and ammo in the
house.......and the rest is history.
Well all I can say is to those that didn't turn up to The Last Frontier, you
missed another great day of Cowboy Action. The weather was very kind, slightly
overcast and much cooler then the previous days.
The Top 10 Shooters on the day :
1.The Sheriff
2.Jack the Blade Slade
3.Blue Star
4.Nebraska Dude
5.Minnie Ha Ha
6.The Rustler
7.One Armed Bill Wilson
8.Lester Moore
9.Deputy Sam