Home Last Frontier Shooting Range Gunalda

Man in the Big Grey Hat













The Last Frontier in the Making



Little Shot.JPG (2360913 bytes)28th March,2021. Whoa what a day clear skies and plenty of shooting from our 27 visitors coming from the Gold Coast to Hervey Bay and west to Goomeri. Congratulations to our local member Johnny Sylva who took out top honors closely followed by Chuck Wagon and Jack Aroo. The lady shooters were excellent in their classes, Katehouse Kelly and Pearl Star. found that the Last Frontier was a great place for practice for the upcoming State Titles. Once again the Teacher done a fantastic job writing the stages, thankyou. Pictured are Little Shot and T Bone, thankyou for coming along. Todays scores are here in the pdf file match finaltt 03282021.pdf


7th. March,2021.

Blaze Resting 2020.JPG (2828409 bytes)Today was another great day once again produced by the Teacher. Five Real Cowboy Action Stages with Mortimer shooting the match clean. The costume contest was won by the Teacher keep up the good work at setting examples. Over winner was Bad Al Junior,Congatulations to you all. We had a special visitor today Dusty Rivers, Dusty and Will E Doo helped me get the Tin Can Bay Range off the ground in 1983 with them making the targets for the Queensland State Titles where we had 110 shooters nominate. Todays scores:match finaltt Main Match 03072021.pdf The next shoot will be the 28th. March,2021.

Attention : Please be advised that the Range will be closed Easter Log Weekend 2021. There will be no Shooting.

22nd. March,2020.
Pictured Buckshot Roberts St.Helens, Tasmanian State Titles 2004.
buckshot.jpg (67153 bytes)Was a shame that you had to miss today. Congratulations to clean score Winner Bad Al Junior.You will find the Bragging Board here :  match finaltt 03222020.pdf


Hound Dog Old Dude Flintock (600x800).jpg (367472 bytes)
Today we had the Johnny Sylva shoot, most shooters handled it quite well especially the 4570 stage.
The overall winner today was Mungo, we wish him good shooting when he competes in the Trans Tasman later this month. You will find the scores right here in the pdf file :match finaltt Main Match 03012020.pdf


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Pictured :
Buster Giggs with his Senior Duelist Trophy that he won at the Trans Tasman at the Gold Coast last weekend. The Last Frontier had three other members Sundance Kid, Renegade Tye and Bonito represented as well. I must congratulate all four of them as they shot very well. Buster leaves this week, he is heading south to the
27th NATIONALS 2019 Single Action TRUE GRIT  Hosted by Little River Raiders at SSAA Eagle Park Range Victoria. 3rd - 7th April 2019.Congratulations goes to Mortimer for his outstanding performance at The Last Frontier ,today.match finaltt Main Match 03242019.pdf



Westwood by Faron West (800x598).jpg (352972 bytes)
A day of difference, cool and cloudy made for a great day. Silhouette Shooters were able to maintain excellent scores, congratulations. Congratulations to Buster Giggs our overall winner and Senior Duelist of Cowboy Action. Buster's in top form as he is about to head south to the
27th NATIONALS 2019 Single Action TRUE GRIT  Hosted by Little River Raiders at SSAA Eagle Park Range Victoria. 3rd - 7th April 2019.   Nomination Form   Flier. we wish him well. Dusty River's had a little miss fortune today when his brand new lever action broke, no it wasn't a Marlin. Captain Whiplash shot very well, I think he is looking at the top spot. Faron West of Westwood by Faron West Pictured with his display of hand made blades. Scores are here :match finaltt Main Match 03032019.pdf

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A good roll up of eager Cowboys ready to shoot. We started at the Shady Ladies making our way up to Jack Daniels picket fence. The stages were fast with the Sheriff cleaning the match, congratulations to Johnny Sylva being the overall winner for today, (Pictured Left to Right Johnny Sylva, Captain Whiplash and Karate Kid) a couple of rifles jammed due to being overworked, Farron West experienced several faulty shotgun rounds. In all another enjoyable day was had by all. Congratulations to the silhouette shooters in today's competition. Pictured is Old Dude with his trusty shotgun, RO was Sundance Kid. Scores : match finaltt Main Match 03042018.pdf

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To put it simply the day was fantastic, Chance being the overall winner of the match, however all shooters that participated were the winners and grinners. Today we were honoured to have Mareeba shooters Doc Cummins and his wife Pearl Hart visit and enjoy the day's five scenarios. Nebraska Dude was also a welcomed guest. Top score was 25 in today's metallic silhouette match. Our next shoot is next next Sunday 2nd.April,2017. Why don't you come along ? Today's Scores :Match Final Main Match 03262017.pdf


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A great day excellent posse, hiccups all round, made for a fabulous day of shooting, Wild Bill won the Metallic Silhouette event over 200 meters. No clean shooters today in the main match with Mungo winning overall. Its great to see our new shooter Roland is settling in and thoroughly enjoying his new sport. Pictured shooting is Slim Chance being timed by Rooster Cockburn Its now 11 years since Slim's passing, Slim Chance was a great ambassador for our club and for the sport of Western Action as it was called back then. Scores : Match Final Main Match 03052017.pdf

IMG_0822 (598x800).jpg (402148 bytes)IMG_0826 (598x800).jpg (382802 bytes)Our next shoot falls on Easter which clashes with the long weekend shoot at Dalby therefore our range will be closed. Our next shoot will be on the first Sunday in April ie.Sunday the 3rd.April,2016. Six stages were shot today with Mungo being the overall winner, with Chisholm taking out the Pistol Metallic Silhouette Match.
Pictured above are the ladies at today's event. Today's scores are right here.Match Final Main Match 03062016.pdf

Sunday 22nd.March,2015.
badal.jpg (269131 bytes)badalzima.jpg (87467 bytes)Firstly congratulations goes to Chisholm once again, first place in Centerfire Pistol Metallic Silhouette with his personal best ever score and to Laramie Lloyd in Rimfire Pistol Metallic Silhouette. Cowboy Action proved to be quite popular with good attendance once again, first and second place went to Mungo and Renegade Ty consecutively. Our next shoot falls on Easter Day however the range will be closed that day so therefore the next shoot will be on the fourth Sunday being the 26th. April,2015. If you would like to view today's scores please click on this link. Match Final Main Match 03222015.pdf


Sunday 1st.March,2015.
Last Frontier15 (800x598).jpg (396037 bytes)Last Frontier15 (1) (800x598).jpg (340567 bytes)
Firstly a special thankyou must go to Sundance Kid for his sincere efforts last Sunday with him helping Minnie Ha Ha and myself rebuild the Shady Ladies Facade that was damaged by the cyclone. No shoot was held that day due to flooding in certain areas.
Congratulations goes to Chisholm, First place in Pistol Metallic Silhouette with Stoney Bill coming in at second place. Silhouettes are positioned out to 200 metres. Today's Cowboy Action shoot was a good one as they all are here at the Last Frontier, it is a shame that so many failed once again to show up considering the efforts that are exerted before every shoot to make sure that everyone has the best day of shooting possible. A very important note to remember here is that " You cannot hug a memory. " You will find the scores right here : Match Final Main Match 03012015.pdf


Sunday 23rd.March,2014. Firstly thankyou to those that attended the working bee yesterday, the frame is now up and awaiting the next stage of its development. The shoot today was impressive with Mungo taking out first place hotly contested by Sundance Kid and Mortimer. A great fun day with plenty of laughs and mighty fine shooting was the order of the day, weather was good but we are now in serious drought conditions with water diminishing fast and the feeding of stock becoming a very costly exercise for all involved, some members have already started putting down the weaker animals. "This is no easy task no matter how tough you are" one said to me today. You will find the scores right here : Match Final 03232014.pdf


Sunday 2nd.March,2014.
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We were blessed again today with very pleasant shooting conditions, no extreme temperatures to stress out the body. Of course the stages were paramount, some being provided by Bad Al Zima, thankyou. Sundance Kid helped with setting up the range and was the target carrier, thankyou Sundance, he certainly took some of the load from me. The overall winner today was Mungo, congratulations. As you can see in the photo the new Telegraph Office is well underway. The frame was supplied and constructed by Jack Beaurgard and Philin, thankyou to the both of you. 
The working bee to stand the frame and plus is on Saturday afternoon 22nd.March prior to the next shoot.
Click on the pics to view full size.Today's scores are right here : Match Final Main Match 03022014.pdf

 Sunday 24th.March,2013.
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New faces, new members, pleasant shooting conditions all helped to create a wonderful day of shooting today. Good luck to those that are attending the Easter shoot at Dalby next weekend. The Last Frontier will be closed to all shooting Easter weekend but shooting again on the 7th.April,2013. Starts bang on 9am. Checkout today's scores right here : 24032013.pdf


Sunday 3rd.March 2013.
Wet conditions made it difficult for most to attend today with water flowing over the bridge at Stringy Bark Creek and in many other places. The overall winner goes to Johnson with the runner up being Captain Whiplash. Congratulations to you both.

Sunday 25th.March,2012.
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Another great day was had by the twenty shooters that attended our last shoot for March this year. We will be shooting next weekend the 1st.April,2012,so don't be fooled come along and help us play this great game of Cowboy Action Shooting and experience what The Last Frontier has to offer.
Today's Winner was Swampfox to whom I must sincerely congratulate however to be eligible to go into the Last Frontier "History book of Legend's" not only must he take out first place on three occasions but also be a member of The Last Frontier Shooting Club Inc. Good on you Swampie, anyway here is today's scores : 25032012.pdf

Sunday 4th.March,2012.
MortRifle.jpg (107903 bytes)Todays winner...yes a repeat performance of the 6th. March, 2011. Long time Cowboy Action Shooter Mortimer and some say he is a Legend within the game not only cleaned the match but won outright. Well done Mort. The rain held off until it was time for everyone to go home and the cooler conditions off course made for a pleasant day of shooting. The cabin of the Frontier Express has now been rebuilt. Thankyou to Minnie Ha Ha for spending the time and effort in doing the painting,a job well done. Here are the scores : 04032012.pdf

Sunday 27th March,2011.
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A Special thank you to all that attended today's events. A great bunch of competitors again adapted their own personal skills to ..."get even with the horse thief".... and to "have a recond'd with the crooked sodbuster" ...oh if ..."I could get to read the Journal in Peace" all five stages were terrific. Next weeks stages will be entirely different so why don't you come along and experience real Cowboy Action Shooting? You may wish to view todays scores they are here under the pdf file 27032011.pdf


Sunday March 6th 2011.
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Yes the weather was cool and overcast so for those that stayed home thinking it was going to be hot again or raining, well sorry to say you missed another good one. Long time Cowboy Action Shooter Mortimer and some say he is a Legend within the game not only cleaned the match but won outright. The other shooter that cleaned the match was Grizzly James. Congratulations to you both. It was also great to see Ugly Al and a big improvement in the condition of his foot, hopefully it won't be long and he will be back on the range toting his six-guns. The scores are here 06032011.pdf


Sunday 28th March,2010.
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First of all to all the shooters going to Dalby next weekend shoot straight and Good Luck. A Special thanks to all that helped me out today and took some of the pressure off my work load, Thank you. It was also pleasing to see a couple of new contenders on the line today from Poona, I trust you enjoyed your day and know now a little about this great sport of Cowboy Action Shooting. What an amazing sport it is, yes everyone has a tale to tell of why they missed a shot or maybe why it didn't happen that way.....just have a listen to the conversations at lunchtime. There is no shoot Easter Day at the Last Frontier. Here's todays scores in the pdf file. 28032010.pdf


Sunday 22nd. March,2009.
undbord.jpg (70829 bytes)We could not have got a better day for today's action packed stages of Cowboy Action. Cool breezes with a maximum temperature of 28 degrees. Everybody had a fantastic time.
The Pat Garrett shoot was impressive with Siringo taking out the honors followed by Cpt.J.C.Jackson and Bad Ass Wallace.
My favorite stage today was "The Train".... I guess that will teach me not to forget to shoot my rifle...
See you next shoot 5th.April, I know you could do with some practice for the Dalby Easter shoot.
Click on the pdf to view today's placings.22032009.pdf


MohawkUndertaker.jpg (99593 bytes)Now that was a warm day for the first day of Autumn 35 degrees... now that's 95 degrees in old talk...Five Stages typical as that of International Standards was shot. Winners of the Pat Garrett Shoot were Capt Augustus McCrae and Bull Shot. New shooter Lakota after some professional coaching the previous day, went home from today's shoot all smiles after only missing two targets for the day. Congratulations Lakota. Ex West Australian shooter Bordello Baz visited us for the first time today as well as new shooter Kat Ballou. Welcome to you both. The scores are here on the pdf file.01032009.pdf

2nd. March,2008.
Was a wonderful day after an early morning shower at The Last Frontier. Five Stages with plenty of action was shot. Please note the Range will be closed on Easter Day March 23rd.2008. Click here to view todays scores.020308.pdf


25th March,2007.
Thankyou Cpt.J.C.Jackson for setting up a fantastic five stages. Those that attended enjoyed a wonderful day with perfect weather to compliment the occasion. Discussion took place and the stage has been set for "Cowboy 07" which will be 10 stages plus side events over two days the 25th and 26th August,2007.
There will be a costume shindig on the Saturday night.
Click here on the pdf file250307.pdf to view todays scores.

4th March,2007. "Trouble at The Lost Thunder Mine" Another great day at the Last Frontier with five stages being the order of the morning. We certainly wish all the very best to Blue Star and a speedy recovery from her accident. It was pleasing to welcome Wyatt Earp back after his surgery. And the Sheriff missed a good shoot due to work commitments. Please click on the pdf file to view the days placings.040307.pdf

26th March,2006."Saving Jacks Ass" another fantastic5 stages produced and presented by our new shooter Jack the Blade Slade. And what a finale for Jack's month of scenarios plus the weather was a cool 28 degrees and the skies were blue as can be and not a cloud to be seen. 
The Story : Jack Slade was hanged by vigilantes in Virginia City, Montana, on March 10,1864.Stage 4 required some deadly accurate rifle shooting to save Jacks Ass. "....you raced from the Jail House door to where your rifle was staged in front of the gallows, picked it up and immediately took out the five targets before placing a deadly accurate shot to cut the rope above the noose to set Jack free.10 seconds bonus was awarded if you cut the rope.  
After lunch twelve shooters tried out the new simulated game clay target range as cowboy clays. Greg Manning with his side by side short barrel coach gun won the match.
Click on the pdf files for the scores for the day:02603.pdf 

5th March,2006. Jack the Blade Slade day was another top shoot. A special thanks to Jack for his mighty fine efforts instage.jpg (123873 bytes) producing five fabulous stages. Pictured is Stage 3 as seen by the shooter once he was seated on the Mortuary Wagon. The stage was called "On the Wagon" and to start the timer the shooter had to yell "The Stage Coach is running late". The story for the scenario went like this : "By 1859 Jack Slade had become a stage driver & was a superintendent of the central overland stage line through some of the most lawless and dangerous stretches of the route in Nebraska,Colorado and Wyoming.In 1860 Slade supervised the construction of almost 200 relay stations for the Pony Express."
Click on the pdf files for Slades scores : 0503.pdf  050306s.pdf


slim.jpg (104010 bytes)Pictures taken 23rd March 2005.Click to view full size.
Pictured above Slim Chance shooting with Rooster Cockburn Timing.
Slims last shoot at The Last Frontier.

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This page updated March 5th 2006.

Updated 28th.March,2021.