September 6th.2020.
Another great day here at the Last Frontier, the ladies costumes
looked fantastic and there were smiles all around. Three shooters shot a clean
match therefore winning the Last Frontier Gold Medal. All in all I think
everyone is geared up in readiness for the next shoot which is the Doc Holiday
Memorial to be held 27th September 2020. Six Stages starting at 9am, lunch will
be provided $30.00 nominations for the day. Should anyone wish to shoot rimfire metallic
silhouette Saturday afternoon low velocity ammo only,please contact Johnson 0438147497 Range fee
$10.00. Should anyone wish to camp, camp fees $10.00.Scores for today are here :match finaltt 09062020.pdf
The Doc Holiday Memorial is over for another year, the overall winner
for 2019, Congratulations goes to Johnny Sylva with the runner up being Grizzly
James. Six Stages were shot with the overall top lady winner being Running Water
followed by Minnie Ha Ha. It was great to see Minnie Ha Ha shooting again after
her hip surgery. A Big thank you to Minnie Ha Ha and Captain Whiplash for
providing the tasty lunch and the dessert afterwards. The Most Improved Club
Shooter Award for 2019 was presented to Cowboy Troy, congratulations. The scores
maybe viewed here :match finaltt Main Match 09222019.pdf
The next shoot at Last Frontier Shooting Range will be the Doc Holiday
Memorial, /Cowboy 19 to be shot over six stages on the 22nd.September,2019.
Shooting starts Bang on 9am. Nominations
$30.00 includes lunch. Numbers required for catering please.Pictured
2017 Winners Chuck Wagon and Pearl Starr.
Fathers Day, Thank you to those that made the day,
Congratulations to Faron West being the winner of the stage, "Shootout at
the Cahon Pass". We all need to remember that the same amount of of time
and effort is put into making each shoot the success it is, and generally
speaking we won't miss it until we have lost it. Mad Dog Andersen had a
spectacular shot today, seeing was believing. Lilly
Laroette was able to successfully take out the shotgun targets with her new
found loads. I was a shame that Dusty Rivers fell victim to Busters loads at the
Cahon Pass.
Scores :match finaltt Main Match 08252019.pdf
much to report today, 20 shooters on the Range, a great day,
all finished by 11.30 am.
Congratulations to our Overall Winner Johnny Sylva.
A record number of rifle break downs today, must be the fine weather.
Checkout the scores here : match finaltt Main Match 09232018.pdf
Sunday 2nd.September,2018.
those that made the effort to support the Club and the Doc Holliday Memorial and
Cowboy18, We thankyou. Overall Winners were Mungo and Pearl Starr. Clean match
shooters were Pearl Starr and Johnson. Special thankyou to Captain Whiplash for
the supply and cooking of our main meal, I didn't hear any complaints Captain. I
was very pleased to have the opportunity to meet and greet Bat Masterson all the
way from central Queensland, thankyou for making the effort to visit. Thankyou
also to one of our original club members Jack the Blade Slade, it was great to
see you again in our area after 12 long years. Pictured : Farron West most
improved club shooter 2018.Thankyou to Buster Giggs for for providing us with
the prize table thus enabling no shooter to go home empty handed. Scores : match finaltt Main Match 09022018.pdf
Pictured Minnie Ha Ha in
Tasmania.Today at the Last Frontier we relived July 2003.
Five stages with plenty of Cowboy Action as it was done fourteen years ago.
Buster Giggs almost shot the match clean with his black powder guns, good job
that the wind was blowing. Captain Whiplash had some impressive rifle
engagements. The Sheriff shot the match clean. The next shoot is on
1st.October,2017,see you there. Scores : match finaltt Main Match 09242017.pdf
Special thankyou to all that made our Cowboy 17 and the Doc Holliday Memorial
Shoot the success it was. The catering load was taken off Minnie Ha Ha by
Captain Whiplash cooking and providing the main course, curried chicken/meats
the choice was yours to be had, the Teacher prepared and brought along the Apple
Crumble, custard and cream for our desserts, thankyou to you both. Thankyou to
Buster Giggs for providing the prizes for the draw table. Chuck Wagon won the
Bowie Knife who was also the overall men's winner for Cowboy 17. Pearl Starr
took out the overall Ladies Trophy.The top five Doc Holliday event placing's
were in 5th. place Pearl Starr,4th.Jack Beauregard,3rd.Mortimer,2nd.Mungo,1st
Chuck Wagon making the winners of the Trophy Chuck Wagon and Pearl Starr. Our
clean match shooter was Grizzly James. The winners of the problems events went
to the Saddler and the Sheriff. Hope to see you all at our next event. Oh here's
the bragging board : match finaltt Main Match 09032017.pdf
the Doc Holliday Memorial and Cowboy 16 is over. There were plenty of spills
today you and should have been here to experience the fun and excitement. It was
great to have a visitor from the ACT and to have Admiral shoot with us. Our over
all men's winner of Cowboy 16 was Jack Beauregard, with Minnie Ha Ha taking out
the ladies trophy. The Doc Holliday Memorial trophy was won by Mungo and Teacher, the
overall junior winner went to Mirajane and most improved shooter trophy went to
Bad Al Junior. Congratulations to you all and especially to all the shooters that
came and made the day the success that it was. A very tasty lunch was prepared
by Minnie Ha Ha who incidentally also refurbished the Frontier Express last
weekend. Thankyou and Congratulations. We would like to wish Johnson a speedy
recovery as he was taken to hospital last evening.You will find the scores here : Match Final Main Match 09252016.pdf
interesting day filled with plenty of Cowboy Action, two shooters cleaned the
match, they were our Overall Winner today, Mungo and Johnson coming in at, congratulations to you both. Our next shoot on the 25th.September
will be Doc Holliday
Memorial and Cowboy 16 shot over six stages, nominations are $25.00 which
includes lunch, shooting starts Bang on 9am. Pictured is Philin 2015 Overall
Winner. Todays scores are right here : Match Final 09042016.pdf
Doc Holliday
Memorial and Cowboy 15, was a great success with 6 stages of different scenarios
contested. There was one shooter that cleaned the match, congratulations goes to
the Sheriff of Tinstone. A very special thankyou goes to Mrs.Chisholm and
Chisholm for taking care of the catering in Minnie Ha Ha's absence. A very tasty
meal ,thankyou. Most Improved shooter trophy this year went to Bull Shot,
Overall lady winner was Big Bang and the Overall men's winner was Philin,
however congratulations must go to all of those that competed and made the day
the success it was, thankyou.
The Doc Holliday Trophy this year was won by Philin and Big Bang. You may view
the scores by clicking here : Match Final Main Match 09272015.pdf
Sunday 6th.September,2015.
next shoot will be "Doc Holliday
Memorial and Cowboy 15" this year will be featured
as a one day shoot
on Sunday the 27th.September,2015. (there will be six stages shot.) shooting starts at 9
Nominations : $25.00 includes Sunday lunch.
Rules : Club Rules combined together with SASS Rules will apply.
Saturday night Camping : with power $10.00.....camping without power $5.00.
Please call 0408986253 or email :
to register for catering purposes.
Looking for today's scores well check
them out here : Match Final Main Match 09062015.rtf
are the Winners of the of the Doc Holliday Memorial 2014 from left to right Big
Bang and Mungo, congratulations goes to both of you.
Date Change : The
One Armed Bill Wilson Shoot"
this year will be featured as a one day shoot on Sunday the 23rd.November,2014.
(there will be six stages shot.) Shooting starts at 9 a.m. Nominations : $20.00 includes Sunday lunch.
Spring was well
and truly in the air today and made for a day of fantastic fun shooting, lunch
today, was marinated chicken wings and salad, thankyou goes to Minnie Ha Ha and
her sincere efforts on dishing up a tasty lunch. We will be shooting next week,
but for all those going to the Nationals may I take this opportunity to wish you
well. Just remember,"the Spirit of the Game " and enjoy the week of
shooting, another thing that I learnt was that " it's not over until the
fat lady sings". You will find the scores for today right here :Match Final Main Match 09282014.pdf
"Doc Holliday
Memorial and Cowboy 14"
this year was featured
as a one day shoot
today with six stages shot.
stages were based on plenty of action with plenty of fun to remember the day
overall winner was Mungo, overall ladies winner was Big Bang, junior winner was
Lil Backfire. Saturday's walk down shoot trophy was taken out by Johnny Behan.
Spirit of the Game award went to Johnson.
The Doc Holliday Perpetual Trophy was won by Mungo and Big Bang.
to you all and also to those that took the time to participate in the day's
A big
thankyou to Minnie Ha Ha for preparing the food for Saturday night and Sunday's
You can view the scores by
clicking on this link : Match Final Main Match 09072014.pdf
Date Change :
One Armed Bill Wilson Shoot"
this year will be featured as a one day shoot on Sunday the 23rd.November,2014.
(there will be six stages shot.)
Shooting starts at 9 a.m. Nominations : $20.00 includes Sunday lunch.
I would like to wish all those shooters that are going to this years National
Titles at Millmerran that you are able to compete to the very best of your
ability remembering at all times that Cowboy Action is just a game and winning
is a bonus. In other words play the game as it is asked and complain none. If
you fine that you are not happy with a scenario or the target layout, I suggest
that you take a good look at yourself as Cowboy Action is not for you, "The
Spirit of the Game" is always paramount.
I would like to add a portion of the Article "Costuming one more time"
written by Tex SASS #4 in the September Edition of the Cowboy
goes like this "Right from the "git-go" SASS recognized the
importance of costuming. Its one of the things that make our shooting game
unique...and it provides an environment where we can play out our Old West
fantasies and help make America safe for God-fearing families. It's an extension
of the game we played as kids...the only difference is in the price of our toys
It took some of us a while to "catch on, but even in the early days most of
us realized it wasn't all that hard to create an Old West outfit. In those days,
that generally meant a shopping trip to the thrift shop and a little cutting and
sewing when we got home. SASS did everything it could to encourage costuming it
could to encourage costuming, including holding costume contests and in
recognizing costume contest winners on roughly the same par as our shooting
Today it is extremely easy to create a "knock-out" costume...right off
the rack. Either some of our folks still "just don't get it" or they
just do not understand, but don't believe costume compliance is worth the
effort. And, worst of all... some of these folks are winners...folks that should
be setting an example for the rest of our shooters...particularly for our newer
and younger competitors. These are our role models, and some are falling short
in wearing appropriate costumes. In the Shooters Handbook there are two sections
dealing specifically with costumes- the first lays out the costuming
requirements and the second provides a list of outlawed items. If an outlawed
item is worn at the firing line, it results in a Stage Disqualification...and
two Stage Disqualifications are a Match Disqualification."
I would like to personally thank the non club member who wishes to remain
anonymous for taking the time to construct a set of crossover knock down targets
for us. Thank you for the unexpected gift, we tested them today with the full
range of sporting equipment and found them to work flawlessly, thank you.
Today's scores are here :Match Final Main Match 09222013.pdf
Saturday 31st
August,1st September,2013.
 I would like to take
this opportunity to personally thank all of you that made the efforts in coming
and making this years Doc Holliday Memorial Shoot the success that it was. The
Doc Holliday Trophy went to Philin and Pearl Starr for this I say to you
Congratulations and to Mungo for being the overall winner of the match. To see the place getters in the special
categories designed for this shoot by the Match Director MJ click here prizes.pdf. Click on the pics
to view full size.You will find the
overall scores here :Match Final Main Match 11242012.pdf
I must thank Marco de Koster for his very generous donations today of five
upmarket wrist watches and I must congratulate the winners of them. The fifth
watch went to the shooter that ranked closest to my age, who was Smokey Barrels.
The shooting was fun, just ask anyone who was here and they will tell you how
great the day was. The pictures above were taken at Cowboy 12. Today's scores,
click here : 23092012.pdf
Cowboy 12 Doc
Holliday Memorial September 1st. & 2nd. 2012.
Sorry for the delay in
writing but when the hard drive goes down and all gets lost completely you generally need a very
long rope to fetch the website back from cyberspace. As you can see I was able
to catch the critter and get it back onto your screen, in just a week.
Believe me it sure was a time consuming task not to mention the cost. Well
back to last weekend, yes Cowboy 12 was an outstanding success and to all of you that participated,
congratulations and thankyou. To Al Swearigen, MJ and Minnie Ha Ha an extra big
thankyou for your efforts in sponsoring, producing and running and catering for
the two day event, and to those that helped with all of the chores, thankyou.
Men's overall winner was Chuck Wagon, ladies overall winner
was Pearl Starr, congratulations also goes to Swampfox being the winner of the
Wild Bill walk-out and to Johnson and Lady Nell being the winners of the Long
Range Rifle and Cowboy/Cowgirl Sillhouette events. Costume contest winners were
Swampfox, Pearl Starr, Shelly Fisher and Wild Bill Fisher. Congratulations
to Red Roar for her win in "The Spirit of the Game Award".To Dave from
Gympie Army Disposals (long range and silhouette prizes) and to Jack Beauregard
and his boss Automatic Technology Australia Pty. Ltd. for the (lucky door prize of an automatic door operator won by
Chuck Wagon), to Mortimer (silver spurs and lanterns), Wild Bill Fisher and
Shelly Fisher thankyou for the generous donations you all gave. Thankyou to the
"Floating Bridges" for setting the scene with your music on Saturday
night. Once again thankyou all for just being there and making the whole weekend
sincere fun.
Both the categories and match final are here in the pdf files Category Cowboy12.pdf
Match FinalCowboy12.pdf
Sunday 25th.September,2011.
guess today was not the best day to use a computer hopefully all will be
repaired and back to normal for next weeks shoot. The shooting of course was
great, why don't you come along next week 2nd.October,2011 and check it out at
The Last Frontier. Starts bang on 9 am. For those members going to the Nationals
Safe Travel, Good Luck and Straight Shooting, looking forward to hearing your
stories when you return.
Saturday and Sunday 3rd.& 4th.September,2011.
all over for another year, yes, "Cowboy 11" and The "Doc Holiday
Memorial Shoot" combined with Saturday afternoon's Pat Garret Events and
Australia's first Cowboy Clays Championships held at The Last Frontier.
Congratulations to all those that travelled from near and far to share with us a
wonderful weekend. You were all winners in helping us act out the true Cowboy
Spirit with the theme of " F Troop" put together by I.D.Claire and Cpt
Augustus McCrae from Noosa Shooter Supplies, Thankyou. The meal for Saturday
nights Shindig was excellent and was prepared by Al Swearigen, MJ and Minnie Ha
Ha, Thankyou. A special thankyou to all that assisted in making this weekend the
special occasion that it was, I know Doc Holiday would have been very happy with
your success. The Doc Holiday Trophy was won by Pearl Star and Chuck Wagon,
Congratulations. The Pat Garret event was won outright by Little Joe,
Congratulations. The .22 Rimfire event was taken out by Wyatt Earp being runner
up and Little Joe the overall winner, the ladies runner up was Lady Nell being
beaten in a shoot off by I.D.Claire. Cowboy Clays runner up was Waddy from
Rockhampton and the overall winner was the Sheriff of Tinstone. Most Improved
Club Shooter went to Grizzly James. Congratulations
to all the competitors and thankyou to all of you for your attendance. 03092011_pat_garrett.pdf
Cowboy11Cat.pdf Cowboy11Match Final.pdf
Sunday 26th September,2010.
Today was the last days practise for those contenders off to
Millmerran for the National Titles this coming week. I am unable to go, however
good luck and straight shooting to those shooters that are going, just remember
"The Spirit of the Game" and you cannot loose, after all it is just a
Game and should you forget this then Cowboy Action Shooting is definitely not
for you. It was pleasing to see new shooters on the line today and of course the
old faces as well, special guest was Rossco visiting from Tasmania. The weather
at The Last Frontier was again fantastic. Some excellent shooting skills were
exhibited by The Swampfox with his unique Gunfighter style and this was one of
the many events that pleased the crowd. Click here should you wish to view
today's scores. 26092010.pdf
4th & 5th September,2010.
weekends "Doc Holliday Memorial Shoot the Cowboy 10" was an
outstanding success as usual with 35 happy contenders going home with a smile
from ear to ear. Pictured are the competitors and some of the rifles used in the
long range shooting event that was won by Johnson. The Doc Holliday Memorial
Trophy was won by I.D.Claire and Louden Ornery. The overall winner was Mortimer.
Most Improved Shooter Award went to Rowdy Joe....Congratulations to you all.The lucky door prize holiday at Club Noosa was won by
Cpt. Augustus McCrae and
ID Claire. A special thankyou to Bad and Cute Ass Wallace for their generous
donation of the prize also a special thankyou to Noosa Shooters Supplies for
their generous donations and support to the Club. Cpt. J. C. Jackson and his
team as well as the caterers under the supervision from Al Swearigen done
themselves and all of us proud. Thankyou. We were even looked after with perfect
weather conditions with the rain commencing as the last shooter drove out the
gate Sunday afternoon. Do you want to know about the unique Shindig ? just ask
anyone that attended and they will be able to tell you about the fabulous night
that we all had. The Costume contest winners were Minnie Ha Ha, I.D.Claire,
Yellow Hand and Little Joe. Everyone that attended were the winners and off
course winners are grinners. Click here to view the scores.cowboy10.pdf
Sunday 27th
excellent day of Cowboy Action Shooting especially for those competing in the
Australian National Titles later this week at Millmerran. Five Stages were shot
of International Standard type scenarios. I always make sure that those that
attend have the chance to get first hand experience at shooting these types of
scenarios. May I take this opportunity to wish those competing the very best of
luck. You may view todays scores by clicking on 27092009.pdf.
5th Sunday 6th September,2009.
09 and The Doc Holliday Memorial Shoot. The
Perpetual Doc Holliday Award was won by Minnie Ha Ha and Chance.Maca a.k.a Doc
Holliday must have been proud to see us shoot this weekend. The weather was
absolutely fabulous and so were the twenty-three competitors. I must give
gratitude and thanks to all those that made this weekend the best weekend that I
have ever had at a shooting competition. Captain J.C.Jackson and Miss Kitty went
out of their way to make sure the shoot and Saturday night was the success that
it was...Thankyou. There were 10 main stages the overall winner was Chance, four
stages of Pat Garrett the winners were Single Shot won by C.T.M. Lever Action
won by Winchester and a Speed Event won by C.T.M. You will find the scores here
at cowboy09.pdf
Sunday 28th September,2008.
Firstly, to those competitors off to the Nationals, Good Luck, shoot
straight and have Fun. Remember it is our aim to keep the Game Alive in the full
Spirit of the Game.
The shoot today was again over five stages with plenty of action involved with
excellent weather to go with it. Get
well soon Mortimer, we miss you. To view the scores for today click here on the
pdf file. 280908.pdf
"Old Dude pictured above." Our next shoot October 5th.
7th September,2008.
was the Doc Holiday Memorial, it is now three years since the passing of Macca
Life Member #1 pictured third from the left, it was also Fathers Day and all of
those fathers that turned up for the five fantastic stages certainly didn't go
home disappointed. The stages were of international standard making for
excellent practise in readiness for the Australian National Titles to be held at
Millmeran come the end of September. For those of you that haven't nominated and
have never been to the Nationals may I suggest that you contact Anne Faith now
to lodge your late nomination.
Todays Scores are here at the pdf file. 07092008.pdfJust click on
Sunday 23rd
Well What Can I Say but thankyou
One Armed Bill...another great day for shooting single action, blue skies with a
cooling breeze and five interesting stages were shot with lots of
laughter...thanks to Lady Nell.
Next shoot October 7th, starts bang on 9am.
Click on the pdf file to view the scores. 230907.pdf
Sunday 2nd
The weather was one
hundred percent perfect again after last weekends cyclone and torrential rain.
Today shoot was produced by Lady Nell, The County Judge and Sundance Kid.
Thankyou to you all. The five stages were some what different to my writing and
very enjoyable to shoot. Sure one had to think a bit but nothing was too
difficult. I am now looking for someone to write the next five stages based on
the targets as they are set on the range. Now that shouldn't be to hard of and
ask as there are no targets to shift, just write the stages and increase your
enjoyment in the sport.. Click on the pdf file to view todays scores.020907.pdf
Sunday 24th September,2006. Today was
the last chance to practise before next weeks Australian Titles to be held at
Millmerran Queensland. Good luck to all those competing. Perfect Spring weather made for a glorious day with clear
blue skies and a slight breeze. Our guests today on their way to the Nationals
were Wandering Star and Chuck Wagon from Melbourne. Five stages were shot with one stage being a
walk down. It consisted of 9 rifle..10 pistol and 8 + shotgun rounds all
knockdowns and it surely got the adrenaline going.
Click on the pdf files Match Final 2409.pdf
to check the days placings.
Sunday 3rd September 2006. The Doc
Holiday Memorial Shoot. It is already 12 months ago since we lost one of our
finest Cowboys and dedicated Club member. Today we remembered Doc Holiday aka
Frank MacDonald Life Member # 1 some also knew him as Macca.
Pictured Wedding celebrations centre
Doc and Matte Holiday. Doc as most of you will know was a quite bloke. Doc liked to be a real cowboy,
he shot real 45's and shot duelist. During the time he was involved with Cowboy
Action Shooting he manufactured many things for the sport. Ivory grips were his
speciality. He made the Original star badges that most of us wear....he made and
engraved the name tags together with the engraved plates that you did see on the
many trophies at several award ceremonies.
Yes Doc's heart was with Cowboy Action Shooting. He loved to explain to new
comers just what the game was all about.
We must all take an example from
Doc Holiday's experiences because, we don't appreciate the things we have
until we have lost them.
Click on the pdf file 0309.pdfto view 030906.pdfthe
days scores.
Sunday 25th.September,2005. was warm up day for the
National Titles to be held at Millmerran next week. 30 shooters attended The
Last Frontier for some challenging stages.
The top 30 placings were :
1.Black Bart
2.Bubba Two Dogs
3.The Sheriff
4.Buster Giggs
6.Douglas Mortimer
8.Liberty Valance
10.Jack O'Hearts
11.Will E Doo
12.Rick O'Shea
13.Old Dude
14.I.D. Claire
15.Rea Coyle
16.Nebraska Dude
17.Blue Star
19.Cpt. Aug. Macrae
20.Wyatt Earp
21.Bad Ass Wallkace
22.Minnie Ha Ha
23.Jack the Blade Slade
24.Loretta Lynne
25.Nifty Nev
26.Cute Ass Wallace
28.One Armed Bill Wilson
30.Lester Moore.