6th. December,2015.
last shoot for 2015 started with a derringer and finished off with a clay quite
a variation in the five action packed stages. Grizzley James took out the top
honours, congratulations Grizzley. Once again Minnie Ha Ha provided us with a
Christmas Dinner and her own bake plum pudding cream and custard. Oh, damit I
knew you were going to come ? should have went to spec savers so you could have
read the date more clearly. Checkout the scores here : Match Final Main Match 12062015.pdf
good to miss, that was the last shoot for 2013.... a great fun day was had by
all as we tried to find that elusive chicken that we needed for Christmas
Dinner. Well , eventually we found him and his mate too, then we each spent
twenty rounds on his mate, then couldn't eat the clucker. It was Minnie Ha Ha to
the rescue with a fabulous two course Christmas Dinner...want to know what we
had ? Sorry you should have been here.
After Bad Al Zimas superior win last shoot the Match Directors decided to put
him on a serious handicap for this shoot just to encourage him to try a little
harder this month. I personally think that they went too far this time. For the
new year, 2014 the first shoot is on the 2nd.February.
Thankyou to all of you that has made this years shooting at The Last Frontier
the success that it has been...."May your hearts and those of your families be filled with Love and Peace
this Christmas 2013." signed The Sheriff of Tinstone & Minnie Ha Ha.
Here's the score for today : Match Final Main Match Christmas Shoot.pdf
perfect day once again Last Frontier style with uncomplicated five stages of
shooting fun. Bad Al Zima cleaned the day reaching 81 years young today. Happy
Birthday and Congratulations Bad Al, we will all be so blessed to reach such an
achievement and still be able to compete to your satisfaction and persistence.
We apologise for forgetting the cake, I hope the party made up for that. You
will find the scores right here in the pdf : Match Final Main Match
 Today's Stages of getting
and cooking the turkey and the Christmas Dinner produced by Minnie Ha Ha served
by Angela, Katrina and Marleen was an excellent way to finish to 2012. A special
thanks to all of you that made
it a fantastic day.
"May your hearts and those of your families be filled with Love and Peace
this Christmas 2012." signed The Sheriff of Tinstone & Minnie Ha Ha.
For the scores look here : 23122012.pdf
Morning ! Welcome to the Last Frontier, how are you all today ? " were
those familiar words spoken by the Sheriff. Did you hear them ? You didn't
well don't be too disappointed as we still have one shoot to go before the
Christmas Holiday shutdown. Guess we may catch up with you on the 23rd.December
2012 as the first shoot for 2013 is not until the 3rd.February,2013.
Today's five stages were a breeze with close targets all around made for fast
shooting. The temperature wasn't too bad either. Pictured is the Sheriff with
Wild Bill Fisher receiving his winning Certificate at the Doc Holiday Memorial
Shoot. You can check today's scores here : 02122012.pdf
"Merry Christmas
Everyone !!!"
I know times are tough,
and Thing's are hard,
You should have been here today,
cause Just ask those that were.
But still here's your Christmas Card.
"Merry Christmas
Everyone !!!" What a fantastic day for the last shoot of 2010,we were
Blessed with sunshine shining between the clouds, of course once the days events
came to a close yes we were welcomed again with some glorious rain. Five stages
were shot today some long, some short, some simple with some twists in others
all added up to excellent day of fun shooting. Another highlight of the day was
seeing us all shooting in the movie "The Last Frontier" produced by
Lakota...thankyou Lakota. Then we all sat down to Christmas Dinner. A meal that
would surpass any Shindig standard, a big thankyou to Al Swearigen and Minnie Ha
Ha. Yep even Christmas pudding and cream, sorry you weren't here. You will find
the scores here in the pdf file.05122010.pdf
6th December,2009.
Christmas Everyone" was the basis of the words needed to start the timer of
today's exciting stages. Twenty-nine shooters in total with twenty-eight
shooting the main event. The shoot was challenging but still simple enough for
all to enjoy, maybe if you have not been to the Last Frontier, then you should
to see just how it is to shoot a real Cowboy Action Match. We offer professional
coaching to those that wish to learn the wonderful game of Cowboy Action.
The yearly Most Improved Shooter Perpetual Trophy was presented to Lakota. Well
done Lakota.
Congratulations on a mighty fine effort Minnie Ha Ha and Helpers for the tasty
Christmas Dinner complete with Christmas Pudding, Custard and Cream. Thankyou to
Lester Moore for providing the Christmas Tree and to Minnie Ha Ha for providing
the decorations.
We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all from Minnie
Ha Ha and the Sheriff of Tinstone. See you at our next shoot on the 24th
January,2010.Todays scores are here 06122009.pdf
Seasons Greetings to you all.
Well, another year has slipped by, where has it gone? I guess that's the way it
is as we are drawn into this mixed up world. We seem to forget about time as it
passes us by ever so quickly. It shows how important it is to appreciate those
close to us, and the things we have, and to give thanks for the "now"
this present time.
Yes, it is very important that we recognise this as "yesterday"
doesn't matter and "tomorrow will never come.
The shooting today was again of an enjoyable standard. It was ever so good to
see you all having the time of your life. Sure, some of the targets were allusive
and got away. I guess that's what makes Cowboy Action the enjoyable sport it is.
Five stages were shot over a combined Pat Garret and Traditional national type
scenarios. The winners of the Pat Garret stages were : Cpt.Augustus McCrae
and Bull Shot as runner up.
The yearly Most Improved Shooter Perpetual Trophy was presented to No Pony.
Johnson done the honors.
To end this shooting season lunch today was Christmas Dinner complete with ham
and chicken with plum pudding custard and cream served after. Thankyou Minnie Ha
Ha and Hiawatha.We would like to wish each and everyone of you a Very
Merry and Safe Christmas and a Happy New Year.
:and to see the overall placings for today click on the 07122008.pdf
The next shoot is on January 4th. 2009.
23rd,2007. Christmas 2007
Shoot... A full complementary day was provided to all those that attended. The
stages were shot in similar conditions to what they were at the last shoot,
overcast with light rain starting as we ended Stage 5. The rain got a little
more serious as we commenced the Traditional Chrismas Dinner complete with all
the goodies of the Festive Season. Minnie Ha Ha and myself The Sheriff of
Tinstone would like to thank all of you that have helped make The Last Frontier
the success it is. We would also like to wish each and everyone of you a Very
Merry and Safe Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Next Shoot is January 6th.2008.
December 2nd,2007.
A great five stage shoot set up by Minnie Ha Ha with cool overcast conditions
made for an excellent day of Cowboy Action at The Last Frontier. Thankyou Minnie
Ha Ha. Practise firing out to 200 metres was the shoot for the afternoon with
the event not finishing until late in the afternoon. The Christmas Shoot this
year is on the 23rd.December,2007.
December 24th, 2006,Christmas Breakup.
The five courses of fire were designed and set-up by Ugly Al. Thankyou Ugly Al
for giving us a day of difference with plenty of cowboy action and fun. Lunch
was on the house and what a meal it was, venison BBQ steaks and salad and yes
the Traditional Christmas steamed pudding with custard, provided by Minnie Ha
Ha. Thankyou Minnie Ha Ha.
Special awards went to:
For efforts throughout the year and Costumes Award: Blue Star and Nebraska Dude
pictured here in their
costumes at "The Mexican Shootout".
Most Improved new shooter Award : Ugly Al.
For the scores on the day click here 241206.pdf on the pdf file.
The first shoot for 2007 will be held on the 7th
December 3rd,2006 saw the dawn
breaking on The Last Frontier with a beautiful sunrise, the sky was covered with
a thin layer of cloud, the gaps letting the golden rays of the sun break
through, Sundance Kid, Etta Place, The County Judge and Lady Nell had already
arrived and camped the night in readiness for the Stages to be presented. Click
on the pdf file 0312006.pdf to view your scores. Click
on the pics below to meet some of the winners on the day.
The Last Frontier
is having a "Stagecoach and Buggy Boot Sale" or if you like you can
call it a "Frontier Swap Meet" to be held on the Saturday in between
the shooting at "The Cowgirl 07" the first weekend in February 07.
Bring along those unwanted items like guns, ammo, camping gear, ect ...its your
call. Remember your Trash is someone else's Treasure. Bring along those never
used guns/rifles and try them out at long range up to 1400feet per second or
pistol calibre cowboy silhouette or some of the side matches. Click on the link below to
nominate.Get your
Nomination form here for "The Cowgirl 07" Don't
forget Nominate before
December 25th,2006 and be in the running to
have your nomination refunded in full.
December 4th 2005,best ever Christmas
breakup and the Stages were very different too, weather was warm and there were
smiles all 'round. I here say some had difficulties ridin' the Indian braves
pony bare back with knife between their teeth..... Also hear Sundance Kid done
an injury to himself on the same horse... How about the Corral Stage with Bad
Ass Wallace and his fancy new Clay thrower and the sticks of dynamite thrown by
"Stumpy"...all I can say is that if you weren't here you missed out on
a beauty...Thanks Eric...Well that's all the shootin' for this
year. See you all at The Last Frontier for the next shoot on New Years Day.
Special awards went to:
Efforts throughout the year Costumes : One Armed Bill Wilson.
Most Improved new shooter : Jack the Blade Slade.
Top place getters were :
1.The Sheriff
2.Douglas Mortimer
4.Tom Dooley
5.Rick O'Shea
6.Sundance Kid
7.Cpt J C Jackson
8.I D Claire
9.Bad Al Zima
10.Grizzley James
11.Nebraska Dude
12.Bad Ass Wallace
13.Jack the Blade Slade
14.Rea Coyle
15.Minnie Ha Ha
16.Bull Shot
17.Blue Star
19.Dead Eye Dick
20.One Armed Bill Wilson
21.Cute Ass Wallace. |