Weather wise today was perfect, center fire silhouette was very well
patronized as to was the five stages of Cowboy Action. Lakota shot very well
having cleaned the match right up unto the last rifle shot. Bad luck Lakota.
Congratulations goes to Mortimer, him being our overall winner today. match finaltt Main Match 05262019.pdf
Sunday 5th.May,2019.
day, not a cloud to be seen and a bunch of eager shooters making a very
enjoyable day of it. It was great to see a good roll up. Top shooters in
the centerfire match were ,Mark best time 11.71,JohnB best time
24.41,Mitchell best time 22.54,Sallyanne best time 25.89. Most improved shooter
today was and congratulations goes to Sallyanne. There were some very good
groups shot in this afternoon's bench rest event at 100 metres. Cowboy Action
showed plenty of fun especially in the "I don't like the way your pluckin'
the turkey" stage. Overall winner was and congratulations goes to Johnny
Sylva and runner up the Sheriff and Bullshot. The most improved shooter in this event was (pictured)
is Laramie, what a difference a shotgun makes.
day done and dusted as the sun set on the Last Frontier, some thought that a
couple of the stages were a little daunting, however after they shot them very
well the story changed some what. Lakota was back after a short bout in
hospital, welcome back Lakota and thank you for repainting all the targets today
in readiness for next Sundays Cowboy Action. Trinity has taken some of the
damaged targets away for welding repairs and refacing. Thankyou Trinity.The
Sheriff shot the match clean. Enthusiastic visitors from Maryborough showed
positive interest in joining the Club and in Cowboy Action. Scores : match finaltt Main Match 05272018.pdf
Sunday 6th.May,2018.
Centerfire Metallic Silhouette event proved quite a challenge for the
competitors. The targets were quite
Centerfire Metallic Silhouette shoot out to 200 meters had a good attendance,
congratulations goes to Master Robert who took out the iron sight category.
Congratulations goes to Jack of Hearts being overall winner of the Magnificent
Seven shoot. Pictured is Will E Doo, deep in concentration shooting Gunfighter
at today's event. Scores are here :Match Final Main Match 05282017.pdf
to all that attended today's event, the stages were a little more challenging
making for excellent practice for the upcoming speed events coming our way.
Pictured is new shooter Roland, who I might add is quickly becoming an old hand
at Cowboy Action. Congratulations goes to Philin overall winner (pictured timing
Mungo) closely followed by Mungo shooting black powder. Scores : Match Final Main Match 05072017.pdf Sunday
It certainly was great to see the good roll up for today's shoot both
the new, and old faces that I hadn't seen for such a long time. Thank you for
taking the time and effort to come and play cowboys with us.
Just click here to see the scores. Match Final Main Match 05222016.rtf Sunday
like May has brought the rain again to the Last Frontier, only 24mm but at least
its a start as drought was setting in again. Last May we had a 150mm and a
flood. Shooting today was shot under very pleasant conditions, fine cool and
cloudy. Pictured, Beth and the steps leading to the shooting position,St.Helens.
Congratulations to our shooters that were able to attend the Queensland State
Titles. Placings for today's shoot are right here :Match Final Main Match 05012016.pdf
Another exceptional day of shooting with the weather being at its best,
clear blue skies and a light breeze made for very pleasant shooting conditions.
The shoot was challenging and effective. The next shoot is on the 7th.June, make
sure your participant records are up to date as the year ends on the
30th.June.Our top pistol silhouette shooter,Chisholm had a little difficulty with the extra bright conditions at the 150 and 200 metre targets. In the Cowboy
Action field there were obstacles
for most of us, but everyone was able to pull through and remained smiling at
the end. If you would like to see today's scores,here is the link Match Final Main Match 05242015.pdf Sunday
What an exceptional day after the flooding on Friday,150mm fell on the
Last Frontier over the two day period causing flooding to the local area. With
all the water receded we were back in action having a fun filled day of Cowboy
Action. Renegade Tye called in on his way back from the State Titles, Gold Medal
in hand and filled the sky with smoke from his black powder guns. Philin was
back and in top form and took out the match, good on you Philin.
You can check the scores right here :Match Final Main Match 05032015.pdf Sunday
Today's weather was absolutely glorious with temperatures reaching 28
degrees, clear blue skies with no sign of clouds at all, our roll up was
excellent with everyone having the most enjoyable time. Jack and Philin done a
little more work on our new Telegraph Office whilst Teacher and Lakota refreshed
the targets with new paint in readiness for next weeks shoot. Why don't you come
along and join in the fun ? Overall winner today was Mortimer. You may check the
scores right here : Match Final Main Match 05252014.pdf
Sunday 4th.May,2014.
Howdy, sorry for the delay in uploading this weeks scores but there were
situations that just seemed to keep getting in the way, as always Sunday's
scenarios at the Last Frontier were fun filled with plenty of action to be had
by all. We had a new boy on the block today, a first time overall winner,
congratulations goes to Jack Beauregard. You may check the scores right here :Match Final Main Match 04052014.pdfBeauregard
Sunday 26th.May,2013.
again perfect weather was how we viewed it today here at the Last Frontier,
great for getting dressed up and playing the greatest game around. Shame you
couldn't make it today but here's hoping that next Sunday 2nd.June will be more
suited to you, we look forward to seeing you. Needed will be 50 rounds for your
pistols and the same for your rifle. Shot gun will need a box of ammo.
Congratulations goes to our overall winner for today
"Philin " keep up the good work. Checkout the today's scores
here in the pdf 26052013.pdf
Sunday 5th.May,2013.
weather and a great crowd made for an excellent day of shooting. Even the
visitor's went home smiling, it was also great to see Siringo burning gunpowder
again after his long illness. It's hard to keep a good man down. Everyone that
shot today was a winner simply by being here and enjoying the fantastic
conditions. Pictured is Renegade Ty, I'll leave it up to you to work out the
scenario. Overall winner was Mungo.
You will find the scores
right here : 05052013.pdf
Sunday 27th.May,2012.
was another perfect day with a frosty start here at the Last Frontier today. A
day when all those that say getting dressed up to shoot is too hot, well there
were no reason for excuses today. Another thankyou to Johnson and this time
Philin and Al Swearigen for their sincere efforts in providing us with today's
entertaining five stages. It's great when we have these new ideas coming in all
the time, thanks boy's.
Word of Warning :
to all those person's that do
reloading, please take notice of the reloader's hand book and follow the
safety precautions in particular make sure that you wear safety glasses in case
of an unexpected primer discharge, one never knows when one might just go BANG.
Your eye sight cannot be replaced.
Claimer :1st and 2nd
September,2012 are the dates to be at
The Last Frontier for "The Cowboy 12 Doc Holiday Memorial two day
shoot". This years theme is " Dead Man's Hand" Print your flyer
and nomination forms here by clicking on the pdf files. Cowboy 12 Flyer and Nomination Form.pdfThere will be 10 Main Stages plus a walkout stage, Cowboy/Cowgirl Silhouette,
Long Range Rifle.
The scores for today were some what mixed and I guess the stages provided for
that. 27052012.pdf See you next Sunday 3rd.June,2012.
Sunday,May 6th.2012.
was a glorious day here at The Last Frontier, one would think that spring was
here and not autumn. Congratulations must go to Al Swearigen and Johnson for
their combined efforts in producing and setting up a fantastic day of Cowboy
Action Shooting. It certainly was great to have the weekend break, thankyou. Date
Claimer :1st and 2nd
September,2012 are the dates to be at
The Last Frontier for "The Cowboy 12 Doc Holiday Memorial two day
shoot". This years theme is " Dead Man's Hand" Print your flyer
and nomination forms here by clicking on the pdf files. Cowboy 12 Flyer and Nomination Form.pdfThere will be 10 Main Stages plus a walkout stage, Cowboy/Cowgirl Silhouette,
Long Range Rifle. I guess you would like to see the scores now. 06052012.pdf
to our medal winners at the recent Queensland State Titles for Cowboy Action
Shooting, they were No Pony Gold,
Little Joe Gold
and I D Claire Bronze,
plus congratulations to all those that tried just as hard. I found that as I
have come up through the years that it doesn't matter what sport you play, most
times those less fortunate at obtaining top placing's have put in more time and
trained maybe even harder then the actual winners, and most times you will often
notice that the media forgets all about these
to all those that attended and represented the Last Frontier at Dalby Easter
weekend and the Queensland State Titles this May Day weekend. If the weather was
as good there as it was at the Last Frontier you all should have had a wonderful
time. Five stages with a difference were shot today you may find the scores at
the pdf file.01052011.pdf
to all of you that attended our first International Shoot here at the Last
Frontier. Five stages were shot using two rifles, two six guns and a side by
side shotgun. The pressure started to build in the stage at the Shady Ladies
with several competitors loosing their footing so to speak and the shotgun
targets became allusive. The Single Shot winner went to Mortimer, who incidentally
won the most colourful dressed section. The top three placing for the other
2nd. May,2010.
good Day, good company and a darn good shoot. Mortimer was back in form taking
out the honours however every shooter excelled in one way or
another...Congratulations to you all. Yep without the Spirit of the Game we
would not have what Cowboy Action is all about. Click here to view the scores.02052010.pdf
I guess too many shooters listened to
the Weather Reporters and stayed at home...what a mistake...Yep another
fantastic beautiful fine sunny day with Cowboy Action at its best....just ask
anyone that turned up today for the Action at The Last Frontier. You will find
todays scores here at the pdf file.240509.pdf
3rd May,2009.
Numbers were down today here
at The Last Frontier due to the Queensland State Titles being held in Mareeba.
Congratulations to those that were able to go north and represent us here in the
south. Thankyou for keeping the Spirit of the Game Alive. We had twelve shooters
here today with four of them shooting rimfire silhouette for the first time. The
remaining eight ...well they had Cowboy Action in their blood, and action they
had...The weather was perfect, 12degrees at the start to 24 degrees at midday.
Click on the pdf file to view the scores. Johnson was the winner of the Pat
Garret shoot. 03052009.pdf
25th May,2008.
Today's shoot was based on the Kilburnie Kid still rides again,well he
did....Five proper stages in true Cowboy Action style. The five stages were shot
clean by Bad Al Zima. Congratulations Bad Al on a job well done.What amazed me
was the lack of attendance by those shooters that couldn't shoot in the hot
weather and get dressed up too. Today the weather was absolutely magnificent and
suited those shooters. With a cool morning and temperatures reaching only 24
degrees at midday made for the most pleasant conditions possible. Click on the
pdf file to view the scores.250508.pdf   
forget to Nominate for "Cowboy 08"
27th May,2007.
Important Message Dates Changed for "The
Cowboy 07" shoot is now on the 1st
September,2007 and 2nd
Weather was fantastic. Congratulations to all those thirty-one cowboys and cowgirls
that turned up ready for another day of Cowboy Action. As normal five terrific
Last Frontier type stages were in the line-up for the days shooting program.
Yes, even the Pickerton's were waiting in ambush on the wagon at the Frontier
Railway Station, not forgetting to mention that the Sheriff had to keep his head
down. Even the Shady Ladies were in trouble..."Yes Cowboy", that's you that I am
talking to, 'should have been here to enjoy the fun", well that was until
the storm came bringing welcome rain to this part of Queensland. Some continued
shooting the rest of us sat in the barn and had a great time chatting. The
Stages are now set for next weeks Cowboy Action.
It's 8am May 28th.2006 and the first
two vehicles pull up at The Last Frontier Shooting Range "Howdy Sheriff"
calls Jack the Blade Slade as he steps down from his 4wd. "Gooday
Sheriff" called Douglas Mortimer. "I'll get those flags up for
you Sheriff, is there anything else that needs doing?" says Jack. "No thanks Jack
" I replied "Everything is under control we are in for another great
day of Cowboy Action, I.D.Claire has another 5 interesting Stages for us today
and the weather is perfect"....
And so right I was, the scenarios were simple yet fast and challenging. Click on
the pdf files to check out the scores.
2805.pdf 280506.pdf
Today's round of Cowboy Clays were shot on the new Simulated Field shotgun range. Now
that's what I call a challenge, getting those clay birds before they take cover
in the trees.
The top shooters were :
1. Mal 18
2. Kevin 16
3. Judy 11
3. Ian 11
4. Dave 8
5.Mic 6
5.Tim 6
6.Peter 4
May 7th.2006 produced
beautiful Autumn weather with clear blue skies and just a pleasant nip in the
early morning air. The days stages were presented by Cpt.Augustus McCrae and
I.D.Claire and those present enjoyed them very much. Congratulations to you
both. Click on the pdf file to view the days scores.070506.pdf
The top five Cowboy Clay shooters were :
1. Mal 19
2. Alan 16
3. Mic 15
4. Lloyd 10
5. Tim 5
